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1. S6 Joint -School Oral

  On 26th Oct 2024, a group of S6 students took part in the joint-school oral practice which simulated the live DSE oral exam setting. A total of 10 schools took part in this, with around 200 participants from all the schools combined. It was a golden opportunity for our students to receive feedback from experienced teachers from other schools and to meet with other students to learn from each other. Students generally gave positive feedback on this activity, saying that it helped them understand how it felt to be in a real DSE exam environment.

2. English Week

   A series of workshops integrating theories and hands-on experience were organized. This cross-curriculum project required collaboration between the English department and other departments. These workshops had the aim of equipping students with new English knowledge on one hand and global perspectives on the other.

Details of the workshops were as follows:

  • Workshop 1: A Sweet Day (collaboration with HE department)
  • Workshop 2: Movie Appreciation (collaboration with VA department)
  • Workshop 3: Sing Sang Sung (collaboration with Music department)
  • Workshop 4: Life education via movies (collaboration with Counselling Team)
  • Workshop 5: Turkish Lanterns (collaboration with Tourism Department)

3. HKU x Rotary club AI Writing Competition

   English teachers entered 20 students from S2-S5 to join the AI tutoring programme and writing contest. The AI tutoring programme was invented by HKU professors aiming at helping students improve their writing skills. After having rounds of online tutorials by AI instructors, students joined a writing contest with the topic assigned by HKU. Our students were able to attain remarkable results, including 3 gold awards, 4 silver and 1 bronze award.

4.  Greater Bay Area Writing Competition

  English teachers entered fifteen students coming from S1 to S5 for the Greater Bay Area Gifted Creative Writing Competition launched by Hong Kong Gifted Education Teachers’ Association. The competition aimed at nurturing students’ observation and presentation skills. Also, the competition served as a catalyst to stimulate students’ interests and passion for writing. The work of the 50 finalists was marked by a judging panel comprising professors in linguistics in universities. In total, our students brought home 1 group award, 8 silver awards, 7 bronze awards, and 2 certificates of merit.

5. Study Tour

  From 30th June to 15th July 2024, thirty students from Ko Lui Secondary School went on a study tour to the UK, at ETC International College located in Bournemouth. The purpose of this trip was to provide authentic input in English as well as an immersive environment for our students to learn about Western Culture. This culture was brought to the students through the various excursions undertaken throughout the trip. Our students were generously looked after by host families whom they lived with, all the while experiencing the genuine western lifestyle and accommodation. Overall, the feedback from students on the trip was overwhelmingly positive, with many clamoring to go again next time.

6. Drama

  This year’s drama production, titled “Good Show”, was a topic on responsibility, the entire crew starring 30 students. Our students were eager to partake in this project, making costumes and props, practicing the script and rehearsing all on their own with teachers as a supporting role. Through having to make and recite their own drama play, students had an authentic environment to learn and use English, making this a valuable learning experience. Finally, students performed their hard work on stage in front of fellow students, displaying the teamwork they had garnered through this project.